
Call for Umpires

Call for Umpires

Once you become a Level 1 Assistant Umpire, you will be added to the official list of RCA Umpires in Ontario and should start to receive calls for umpires for upcoming sanctioned regattas.

A Call for Umpires will come in one of two ways:

  1. From the Chief Umpire directly. You may be contacted by a Chief Umpire and/or connected to a Chief Umpire directly by your Row Ontario mentor.
  2. From the Row Ontario office. If requested by the Chief Umpire, Row Ontario will send a Call for Umpires to the most up-to-date list of registered umpires in Ontario.

Request a call for Umpires from Ontario

If you are the Chief Umpire at an upcoming sanctioned event and would like Row Ontario to send a Call for Umpires to the most up-to-date list of registered umpires in Ontario, please send all event details to with the subject line Call for Umpires: (Event Name).  Please include all relevant details, including:

  • Regatta date and location
  • Shift times
  • Expense details (e.g., which expenses will be covered by the LOC and at what rate)
  • Any other relevant information an umpire will need when determining their availability

National Jury Applications

Each year, information regarding the national umpire jury nomination and selection process will be sent to umpires when available from RCA. National events include the National Rowing Championships, Royal Canadian Henley Regatta, Canadian University Rowing Championships, RCA Masters Championships and Canada Summer Games.

*As a reminder, only registered umpires who are compliant with Safe Sport policies and Rowan’s Law are eligible to umpire at sanctioned events in Ontario.