
Coach Evaluations

Coach Evaluations

Once you have completed your NCCP training, the final step of certification is to be evaluated by a qualified Coach Evaluator. Evaluation is an opportunity for mentorship from and collaboration with a fellow coach and is a critical component of the NCCP competency-based model. Experienced coaches who have completed some NCCP training, completed training in the old NCCP ‘Levels’, and/or feel they have the knowledge and experience without taking specific NCCP training may also apply to challenge any NCCP evaluation without having to complete additional workshops.

How it Works

A Coach Evaluator from your area will review your coach portfolio, then join you at practice to see you in action and discuss your progress and goals for future development.

Evaluations by Video Submission

Coach Evaluations for LTR Coach and RCA Coach are possible through video submission. Please review the requirements for video submission and if you are in a coaching environment that will allow you to be successful please ‘Request an Evaluation’ using the link below.

Any questions about Coach Evaluations (either in person or by video submission) can be directed to Row Ontario.

LTR Coach Evaluations

Request an Evaluation

RCA Coach Evaluations

Request an Evaluation

Challenge an Evaluation

If you are an experienced coach and feel ready for evaluation, please review the RCA Coach Challenge Process document. You may submit your challenge application form below. Once you have submitted your application form, a group of Master Coach Developers will review it and determine if you are ready to proceed with the challenge.

RCA NCCP Coach Challenge Process

Evaluations by Video Submission

Coach Evaluations for LTR Coach and RCA Coach are possible through video submission. Please review the requirements for video submission and if you are in a coaching environment that will allow you to be successful please ‘Request an Evaluation’ using the link below.

Any questions about Coach Evaluations (either in person or by video submission) can be directed to Row Ontario.

Coach Certification Challenge Application Form

Step 1 of 3