COVID-19 Update from Row Ontario
Dear Ontario Rowing Community,
The safety of the athletes, coaches, umpires, volunteers and families in the rowing community are of the utmost importance to Row Ontario. In light of the advice from the Ministry of Health related to COVID-19 and the measures being taken to limit social contact we have several updates regarding current Row Ontario initiatives.
Coaching and Umpire Clinics:
Under the current circumstances with respect to COVID-19, a decision has been made to suspend all currently scheduled in-person coaching and umpiring clinics until further notice. Online clinics, such as the Level 1 Umpire Clinic on March 29 and April 5, will go on as scheduled.
Anyone who has registered and paid for a clinic will be given a credit toward the rescheduled clinic or can request a full refund by emailing finance@rowontario.ca.
RADAR for CSG Athletes:
We recognize that in light of the circumstances some programs have suspended training. As such, athletes may not be able to complete their full battery of tests for RADAR by the March 31, 2020 deadline. We encourage athletes to submit any and all scores that they currently have and if there are absences or an athlete is unable to complete RADAR for the March 31 deadline, this will not be counted against them for selection for the 2021 Canada Summer Games or any other Row Ontario initiatives.
Upcoming Rowing Season:
We have also received many questions with regards to club training and the upcoming rowing season. While we feel it is too early to make any decisions about the outdoor rowing season, which is still about a month away, we are strongly encouraging all of our members to follow all of the guidelines of Public Health experts on hygiene and methods to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Row Ontario is continuing to monitor the rapidly evolving situation and will continue to provide updates as they become available from reliable medical experts. We will also continue to make efforts to assist decision makers in our community who are seeking guidance as they address this unprecedented situation.
Yours in Rowing,
Row Ontario