Event Hosting
Host an Umpire Clinic

The Row Ontario Umpires Committee works with member clubs across the province to host Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) Umpire Education Clinics. The RCA Umpire Education Program is a competency-based program involving clinics, supervised practical training, formal evaluation and ongoing mentorship. It is administered by an exceptional group of trained and experienced Level 4 Clinicians.
What is required as an RCA Umpire Education Program clinic host?
- Classroom and desk/table space for approximately 15 people for the duration of the clinic.
- Space must have electricity and free reliable WIFI for the facilitating clinician and participants.
- First Aid kits accessible at all times, that are up to date and minimally meet the requirements of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
- An up-to-date Emergency Action Plan posted in a visible location.