Athlete Application Form

In order to apply for the Ontario NextGen Development Program please create a profile below. ONGDP staff will be in contact with you regarding your application at a later date.

Athlete Information

Parent/Legal Guardian Contact Information

If athlete is under 18 years of age.
If different from the athlete.

Rowing Experience

Please answer the section below on your previous and current rowing experience.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Please list your coach’s first and last name.
Please list your coach’s email.

Anthropometric/Performance Data

Please complete the fields collecting anthropometric data using the metric system.

Ontario NextGen Development Program – Application Procedures

Applications for the September opening of the ONGDP will be reviewed on an on going basis and will be measured and assessed based upon the information included above. All athletes wishing to be considered for a spot in the ONGDP as an athlete (centralized, de-centralized or affiliated) must apply. Prospective Athletes will be notified as soon as possible regarding acceptance. The priority of the ONGDP is on the development of the athlete. To ensure that the quality of the daily training environment is maintained, Row Ontario will limit the number of athletes accepted to centralize. All athletes interested are encouraged to apply.
By completing this field, you are confirming your interest in applying to train at the Ontario NextGen Performance Centre.