Safe Sport
Row Ontario has a fundamental obligation and responsibility to protect the health, safety and physical and mental well-being of every Individual that is involved in the Ontario rowing community.
Row Ontario takes any situation involving misconduct or Maltreatment very seriously; for this reason, Row Ontario is committed to enacting and enforcing strong, clear, and effective policies and processes for preventing and addressing all forms of misconduct or Maltreatment.
Row Ontario recognizes that this is an evolving area of focus for all sports in Canada. Our safe sport program will continue to focus on education, prevention and response, all of which will be supported by strong governance, policies and procedures.
Our goal is to ensure that all members and registered participants of Row Ontario have the resources required to access a fun, healthy, inclusive and safe environment.
Abuse-Free Sport Helpline
The Abuse-Free Sport Helpline, funded by the Government of Canada, is a confidential listening and referral service monitored by live operators from 8am to 8pm Eastern time, 7 days a week. Users will have a choice of communicating via a toll-free phone line, email, text, or live chat, in the official language of their choice.
The helpline is: 1-888-83-SPORT or
If you suspect an incident of child abuse click here to find your local child welfare agency. If you suspect a child is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 or your local police.
Independent Third Party for Rowing in Canada
Rowing Canada Aviron and Row Ontario understand how important is to provide a safe and secure way of reporting issues that are impacting an individual directly or that they have become aware of. As required by Sport Canada, RCA has enlisted the services of an Independent Third Party, Lise MacLean of Wiser Workplaces for the rowing community.
A Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) with nearly twenty years of experience as a human resources consultant, manager and executive in the public, not-for-profit, and private sectors, Lise Maclean is a certified Workplace Investigator and is currently a member of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada Investigation Unit and the HRPA Discipline Committee.
Lise is a highly trained and skilled professional equipped to deal with Safe Sport issues with sensitivity and in confidence. She is able to review, advise and refer issues for further action independently of Row Ontario. If you wish to connect with Lise, you may contact her directly at +1 (613) 404-2000 or
Please contact Lisa Roddie if you want to learn more about Safe Sport initiatives both for Row Ontario and in your local organization.
Row Ontario Safe Sport Manual
Coaching Association of Canada Safe Sport Training
Poster: Open and Observable Environments
Poster: Support Services
Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)