Call for Expressions of Interest: Row Ontario Operating Committees
Announcement/ Jan 18

Call for Expressions of Interest: Row Ontario Operating Committees

Row Ontario is seeking expressions of interest to fill several positions on two newly-created RowOn Operating Committees – the Coastal Rowing Committee and Para Rowing Committee.

Coastal Rowing Committee

The mandate of the Coastal Rowing Committee is to identify initiatives, create strategies to support club development, and target funding opportunities aimed at increasing growth within the discipline of coastal rowing across coaching and athlete participation. The Coastal Rowing Committee will advise and make recommendations to the RowOn Board and/or Staff related to coastal rowing and its inclusion in events and programs across the province. The Terms of Reference for the Committee can be found here.

We are seeking to fill the Chairperson and up to six [6] Member-at-Large positions on the Coastal Rowing Committee. At least four [4] members must have experience in Coastal Rowing as an athlete, coach, umpire, or Regatta Chair.

Para Rowing Committee

The Para Rowing Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of a strategic plan to support the growth of para rowing in Ontario. This Committee will develop recruitment strategies, explore funding opportunities, and create resources to support Member Clubs in the growth of their para rowing programming. The Para Rowing Committee will advise and make recommendations to the RowOn Board and/or Staff related to the growth, promotion, and inclusion of para rowing in events and programs across the province. The Terms of Reference for the Committee can be found here.

We are seeking to fill the Chairperson and up to six [6] Member-at-Large positions on the Para Rowing Committee. At least two [2] members must have experience in Para Rowing, as athlete or coach. An additional two must have experience in parasport, as an athlete, coach, or administrator.

Additional Information

Term Lengths – Three [3] positions on each committee will be for one-year terms, and three [3] positions will be for two-year terms. All terms will expire on March 31st; however, there is no maximum number of terms a member can sit on the Committee.

Meetings – The RowOn Coastal Rowing and Para Rowing Committees will each meet at least quarterly, with the majority of the committee business conducted by email and conference call.

Committee Chairs – Each committee requires one person to be the Chair of the Committee. The Chairperson will be appointed by the CEO and will work closely with the CEO or CEO’s delegate on the Committee.

Appointment – The appointment of committee members is done by the CEO and Chairperson.

Application Process

Interested individuals are asked to submit a letter expressing their interest to volunteer for an Operating Committee position. Expressions of interest should be submitted by Feb. 10, 2023 to Kate Savage ( with “RowOn [Coastal/Para] Rowing Committee Expression of Interest” in the subject line. Please include details of your involvement in rowing, and indicate how your experience, expertise and attributes align with the positions described above. If you are at all interested in serving as Chair of either Committee, please include mention of this in your expression of interest.

Inquiries about this position can be sent to Kate Savage, Row Ontario Domestic Rowing Manager.