Row Ontario Posts New Safe Sport Manual
Announcement/ Oct 15

Row Ontario Posts New Safe Sport Manual

On Friday, Row Ontario posted their new Safe Sport Manual which features seven new or updated policies, one new code of conduct and safe sport definitions.

The new safe sport manual comes after a tremendous amount of work done at both the national and provincial levels to develop the new documents. While the new or updated policies take effect as of today, an implementation period will take place over time and more information on the impact of the policies will be released in the future. Clubs can also expect safe sport materials with a club-focus to be released in the future.

The Row Ontario Safe Sport Manual has been posted in full on the website as well as the individual policies, code of conduct and definitions for ease of viewing. The safe sport documents can be found at the below links:

Row Ontario Safe Sport Manual

Safe Sport Definitions

Appeal Policy

Athlete Protection Policy

Dispute Resolution Policy

Harassment, Discipline and Complaints Policy

Investigations Policy – Discrimination, Harassment, and Maltreatment

Screening Policy

Social Media Policy

Code of Conduct and Ethics