Call for Expressions of Interest – Row Ontario Board Committee Positions
Row Ontario (RO) is seeking expressions of interest from the Ontario Rowing Community for a number of Board Committee positions.
Finance Committee
We are seeking to fill three [3] positions on the Finance Committee to join the RO Treasurer. At least one member on the committee must be from a Member Club. At least one member must have an accounting background & experience with finances of not-for-profit Boards. This could be, but not necessarily has to be the same person.
Governance Committee
We are seeking to fill two [2] positions on the Governance Committee, to join a Board Member who will also sit on this committee. At least one member on the committee must be from a Member Club. At least one member must have experience and a working knowledge of not-for-profit Board Governance.
Nominations Committee
We are seeking to fill three [3] positions on the Nominations Committee, to join a Board Member who will also sit on this committee. All three members of the committee must be registered participants of a Member Club.
Additional Information
Term Lengths – The term length for all positions listed above are for one year, which will expire the day of the Row Ontario 2020 Annual General Meeting, however there is no maximum number of terms a member can sit on the Committee.
Appointment – The appointment of committee members is made by the Board of Directors.
Committee Chairs – Each committee requires one person to be the Chair of the Committee. The Chair will work closely with the Executive Director and will report the activities of the Committee to the Board through written reports.
Application Process
Interested individuals are asked to submit a letter expressing of interest to volunteer for a Board Committee positions. The letter will need to include which committee(s) you’re interested in sitting on and should include a brief description why you’d like to serve in said position(s), including what background and experience you bring that would make you an ideal candidate for said position(s).
If you are at all interested in serving as a Chair for any of the above committee, please include that in your expression of interest letter.
All expressions of interests are due Friday, Jan. 31, 2020, end of business day via email to “Row Ontario Board Committee Expression of Interest” in the subject line. All applications will be reviewed, and the Board will make their decision on the appointments at their February Board meeting, which is late February.
For more information on the Committees and their mandate, please review the Terms of Reference for the Committees.
Finance Committee | Governance Committee | Nominations Committee