Call for Nominations for Row Ontario Board of Directors
Announcement/ Jun 5

Call for Nominations for Row Ontario Board of Directors

Row Ontario is seeking individuals from across the province to serve on our Board of Directors. Successful applicants will support our mission, vision and values in Ontario.

As per Row Ontario By-Law 2.03, the Row Ontario Nomination Committee is tasked with responsibility of putting together a Slate of Directors for election at the 2020 Row Ontario Annual General Meeting (AGM), November 28th, 2020.

The Committee is looking for nominees who are passionate about amateur sport and bring knowledge and/or skills in one or more areas of Board governance and leadership, fiscal oversight, collaborative partnerships, fundraising, community outreach and engagement, human resources and information technology (data & program systems).

At the upcoming AGM two (2) Director positions are up for elections.

The Nomination Committee’s role is to nominate all qualified candidates identified through a selection process and not just put forward a slate equaled to the number of positions up for election.

As per the revision made to the Row Ontario By-laws at the 2019 AGM, Directors are elected to a three-year term, and are expected:

  • To participate in Board meetings (typically six to seven meetings a year, three in person in Toronto and the rest via conference call.
  • May be asked to participate in at least one Board committee (minimum of two meetings a year, typically held via conference call).
  • To engage in generating revenue (from fundraising, sponsorships, memberships, and services) on behalf of the organization.
  • To attend Row Ontario proprietary events.

In addition, Directors may be asked to participate in working groups or on organizational projects related to their expertise. On average there is an overall expectation of approximately 10-15 hours per month.

To be eligible for election as a Director, an individual shall:

  • Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;
  • Be a resident of Canada as defined in the Income Tax Act;
  • Be willing to comply with the Row Ontario Director’s Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Policy;
  • Have the power under law to contract;
  • Not have been declared incapable of managing property under the Ontario Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 or under the Mental Health Act, 1990;
  • Not have the status of bankruptcy;
  • Consent to submitting a Vulnerable Sector Screening check;
  • Consent to abide by Row Ontario policies and procedures; and
  • Consent to provide, receive and retain information and records in electronic form.

Those interested in putting their name forward for consideration Nominations for the Board of Directors must be received by the Row Ontario office via email by July 31st, 2020 at 5:00pm.

Other Candidates

In accordance with By-Law 2.04, candidates that were not included on the slate of directors by the Nominating Committee and/or other interested candidates interested in seeking election to the Board of Directors may still stand for election by following the following procedures:

  • Other Candidates for any of the Elected Offices of the Association shall announce their intent, in writing, to the Secretary or delegate, no less than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  • Such Candidates require the sponsorship of two (2) Member Clubs in good standing. Candidates for office must be an ORA Registered Participant in good standing.
  • The Secretary or delegate shall inform all Members of the names of those seeking office, fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

For the 2020 Annual General Meeting, other candidates must submit their intent and support from two (2) member clubs, in writing, by Friday October 28th, 2020. Submissions shall be sent to Row Ontario via email to

Please review the Board Director qualifications given on the nomination form:

Board of Directors Nomination Form