Free NCCP Modules for National Coaches Week
Happy National Coaches Week! Row Ontario truly appreciates all that rowing coaches across the province do for athletes and the rowing community, and we are thrilled to share with you some free e-learning modules available this week!
This is a great way for coaches (current and prospective) to meet the requirements of the Row Ontario Coach Certification Policy, as well as to increase their knowledge in other areas of interest to them – at no charge! As a reminder, all coaches must complete Coach Initiation in Sport, Rowing Essentials, and Make Ethical Decisions.
Listed below are NCCP multi-sport modules that coaches can access for free this week. This list does not include RCA Rowing Essentials, which is also available to coaches for free this week and can be accessed through the Locker.
Please note that for the first 5 modules listed below, these are only offered for free on one day this week. Coaches do not need to complete the module in one day, but it must be started on the date indicated below in order to access it for free. You may leave the module and return at any point without losing your progress.
To access these five paid modules for FREE, you must start the module on the date indicated below:
- September 18: NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport
- September 19: NCCP Creating a Positive Sport Environment
- September 20: NCCP Sport Nutrition
- September 21: NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability
- September 22: NCCP Leading Drug Free Sport
You can also check out well-received & all-time-free eLearning modules, including:
- NCCP Making Head Way
- NCCP Emergency Action Plan
- Support Through Sport series
- Mental Health in Sport – now available in 10 languages
The following 4 NCCP multi-sport modules have been revised with an added emphasis on mental health and are also being delivered for free in-person and online until March 31, 2024, as part of the CAC’s Mental Health and Sport Project:
- NCCP Basic Mental Skills
- NCCP Make Ethical Decisions
- NCCP Planning a Practice
- NCCP Teaching and Learning
If you have any questions regarding the modules available during National Coaches Week, please contact Lily McGuire.
Happy National Coaches Week!