Row Ontario Nominations Committee Report & Slate of Candidates
News/ Aug 16

Row Ontario Nominations Committee Report & Slate of Candidates

Christopher Waddell (Chair)
Sara Erskine
Jane Jarvis
Manny Azarcon
Andrew Backer – CEO (Ex-officio)

1. Nominations for Vacancies on the Row Ontario Board of Directors – 2021

There are two vacancies for the Board which are created by the natural conclusion of the terms of Christopher Waddell and the position currently held by Pippa Hobbes. Hobbes was appointed to the Board mid-term when Amanda Schweinbenz resigned as a director in the summer of 2020. Hobbes agreed to let her name stand for re-election.

The Nominations Committee agreed that Hobbes’ name should be put forward on the slate to members, and to conduct interviews with the other two candidates that had submitted applications.

2. Results of Interviews for the Vacancies: Process

In addition to Hobbes, two candidates, Peter van Rooijen and Jason Jansson, submitted applications for the vacant Board positions. The Nominations Committee reviewed both applications and at a meeting on July 29, 2021 determined that both candidates should be interviewed. Peter van Rooijen’s interview was scheduled for August 3, 2021 and Jason Jansson’s interview was scheduled for August 10, 2021.

The Interview Panel followed the same process as in 2020, whereby the members of the Nominations Committee (except for Andrew Backer) would form the Panel and the interviews to be conducted via zoom with the panelists asking alternating questions. Each candidate also responded to certain questions in advance which were provided to the Interview Panel prior to the scheduled interviews.

Peter van Rooijen was interviewed on August 3, 2021. However, Jason Jansson withdrew his application prior to his interview on August 10, 2021, for personal reasons. As such, only Peter van Rooijen was interviewed by the Panel.

3. Results of the Candidate Interview

The Committee concluded that following his interview that Peter van Rooijen’s name should be put forward on the slate in addition to Hobbes. Peter will bring skills that he has developed in leadership roles both in business and within the rowing community to the Board. Peter has identified key areas of concern for rowing following the recent experience with the pandemic and brings to the table enthusiasm and ideas to face those concerns and challenges.

The Nominations Committee aimed to present more candidates on the slate than there are open positions on the Board. The Committee agrees with past Committee and Board recommendations that presenting more candidates than Board positions improves the overall nominations process. This year, following the pandemic, there were fewer applications than in previous years and one candidate withdrew their application before they could be interviewed. The Committee believes that the return to the water and the racing season next year should generate more interest in Board positions next year.

The Nominations Committee recommends to the Board that it take a more active role in speaking to members of Committees they chair or are members of to identify individuals that may be interested in Board positions and provide those names to the Nominations Committee in 2022. The Committee can then actively approach those individuals and encourage them to submit an application for consideration for the 2022 Board Elections.

Other Candidacies

As per ORA By-law 2.04, additional candidates may be nominated following the steps outlined in the By-laws and listed below.

a) Other candidates for election as Directors shall announce their intent, in writing, to by August 30th, 2021 [30 days prior to the Annual Meeting].

b) Such a Candidate:
i. requires the sponsorship of two (2) Member Clubs in good standing; and
ii. must be a ORA Registered Participant.

c) At least fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting, the Secretary (or delegate) shall inform all Members of the names of those seeking election as Directors.

Board Nomination Application Form (Due Aug. 30)