Weekend Wrap: Ontario Ergometer Championships Storm Ridley College
Competition/ Mar 3

Weekend Wrap: Ontario Ergometer Championships Storm Ridley College

The Ontario rowing community travelled to St. Catharines, Ont. over the weekend to take over Ridley College for the 2020 Ontario Ergometer Championships.

This year’s regatta was the 33rd annual edition of the event and featured 626 competitors from 55 clubs. The spacious Ridley College Field House played host to the event and an enthusiastic crowd of spectators and rowers alike cheered on the action through the day. The rowers competed in Junior High School, Senior High School, Open, Masters, and Relay categories throughout the day which saw some outstanding performances.

For more information about the Ontario Ergometer Championships please visit RegattaCentral.

Ontario’s 2020 indoor rowing schedule will wrap up this weekend with the McMaster 2×4 Challenge. The event is hosted by the Leander Boat Club and will take place at the McMaster University Student Centre on Saturday, March 7.  To view our events calendar with all upcoming Ontario events please visit our website.

Two coaching workshops hosted in Kingston and Hamilton

Row Ontario’s coaching workshop schedule continued with a busy weekend that included two coaching clinics in different areas of the province.

The Leander Boat Club in Hamilton, Ont. hosted an RCA Coach Weekend #1, while the Kingston Rowing Club in Kingston, Ont. hosted an RCA Coach Weekend #2. Both clinics were well attended by coaches looking to continue their professional development and learn from the workshop clinicians. The RCA Coach Weekend #2 workshop was run by learning facilitators Kate Gorsline and Brad Brennan while Row Ontario’s Sport Development Manager Andrea Miller ran RCA Coach Weekend #1.

Overall a combined 24 coaches attended the clinics, became better educated on coaching theory and programs and moved a step closer in their NCCP certification process.

There’s three more coaching workshops on the docket for this month, with the RCA Coach Weekend #2 (Sudbury, Ont.) running this upcoming weekend (March 7-8) followed by an RCA Learn to Row Coach (Hamilton, Ont.) and RCA Coach Weekend #1 (Peterborough, Ont.) on March 28-29.

To view our events calendar with all upcoming Ontario coaching clinics and regattas please visit our website.